Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I've got the animal kingdom Axis of Evil down there.

I left the bar an hour ago with the intention of going home and going straight to bed. I was just going to leave a message on a friend's phone to let him know that he could call me tomorrow, but he ended up answering and we had a nice long cat about the stuff going on in his life. Now back not to recently when I easily got bored on the phone and checked out I would have been fine listening to him talk for an hour, but now that we've pushed through all of our crap I want a chance to talk to sometimes. I seriously hope his future wife has big ears because sometimes he won't shut up. Now I love you, and you know that I love you (everyone who reads this knows I love you) but I can't pay attention to you at 2am when I'm already in bed and the thing holding the phone to my ear is my pillow. I'm not sixteen anymore and you're not my boyfriend, so I no longer have the phone conversation listening stamina that I once had. Not his fault though, I'm the one that called first. I do appreciate that he is willing to talk to me and I really do like listening to him. He shares a lot of stuff with me and it's made me much more comfortable and willing to open up and share things with him. Sometimes I feel like he and I are the only two people who know anything about each other (with certain things).

One another note, I need to stop drinking beer. I went out with some friends from work and after one beer I felt like I had eaten a loaf of bread. It was gross. I'm thinking of switching up to pinot grigio. I know it's a chick wine and one that Lance scoffs at, but I need to try something new. I can't keep feeling full and dead from a pint of beer every time I go out. I also need to start going out with people because everyone at work thinks that there's something going on between me and my new bestie and they couldn't be more far from the truth for so many reasons. Next weekend I will commence with the pinot grigio and let you all know how it goes.

So I finally watcher the fist 7th Harry Potter movie. Liked it, not loved it. There were too many important details that I felt were left out. Totally bummed me out, but I felt where they cut the movie was a really good place. It's far along in the book where they did it, but the last portion of the book was densely packed with action and details that having a second part will give the movie room to breathe. I was really disturbed by the Hermione torture scene at the end of the movie. In the book I imagined it to not be so up close a personal between Hermione and Bellatrix and more magic based. In the movie Bellatrix was on top of Hermione driving a piece of wood into her hand herself. Not cool. My favorite scene was the one where Harry and Hermione dance in the tent. It was just really touching to see the two characters be able to hold onto a piece of their childhood innocence despite all of the stuff that was going on around them.

I was going to write tonight and then I wasn't because I was so tired, but then as soon as I hung up I was wide awake. I bet everyone else is asleep by now.

Shout out to Andi who has mono. Feel better! And to Cynthia! because it's her birthday. Happy Birthday!

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