Sunday, January 16, 2011

Silly People, Barbies are for Sex!

Don't blog late at night, you might end up writing ridiculous open letters and come off like a total asshole. And believe me, I am excellent at making an ass of myself, just ask my father. Or my mother. A little while back when I was visiting my parents in Vermont we were out drinking at the Matterhorn and I blurted out that I needed some marijuana right then and there. Of course it was anything subtle, I started my saying that I wanted some pot and when my parents couldn't hear me I said I needed some marijuana, only it was a little louder and I sounded out the syllables, mar-i-ju-ana. My mother thinks I'm insane and a budding alcoholic. In my defense I had had two and a half mai tais made by Jesse, which means they were 80% pure rum with a cherry on top and they were served in pint glasses.

Today at work I was working with Betty Page and I closed with The Ballerina. Both are exceptional coworkers even if one works a tad harder than the other. I usually don't get a chance to work with Betty Page but now that I have different hours I see her more often. Betty Page is incredibly funny and has a dark sense of humor. I love her back of the throat laugh. The Ballerina and I have been closing together since I started working in the cafe. She and I have developed a finely honed rhythm to shutting down and can do it  in twenty minutes or less, except when we are working with M. Like tonight. Tonight The Ballerina had a copy of Marie Claire magazine and was reading weird stories about peoples' sexual experiences out loud to us and we spent good portion laughing at how ridiculous people can be. Seriously who is so desperate to experience sex that they tear their own hymen by sticking their Barbie doll's legs up their vagina? Gadzooks! Closing with M is also a good thing because I am certainly guaranteed to be home by 10:45pm. No work until next Thursday!

Also Cute Asian Boy was in again.