Saturday, February 5, 2011

Marg and Sidney's excellent adventure take 35.

I just started my third blog today. Good news is I am only a contributor, the bad news is that I am receiving a grade for this, so my writing is going to be a bit more polished and content specific. The blog is done at which is a completely different blogging site than my other two and has certainly been a learning experience for the five of us. I wasn't completely comfortable with the idea of having to share a blog with five other people, but considering my considerable workload and that this new one is going to be significantly more important for the next four months or so, not that I will let it take away from this one or my tumblr (I'm going to try, it may end up as an epic blogging failure like this summer). Blogging with five people is also going to be a challenge for me because of my freakish control freak issues. I'm not a big fan of having to rely on four other people to get a good grade. I'm also completely unfamiliar to my group's writing styles and if they will be able to coincide with my dark and self-deprocating humor.

I LOVE My Hebrew Friend. He is the best of all the Hebrews. He is such an awesome friend and I never tell him that enough. I usually just tell him that he's a dork or that he's weird or that he's a five year old. All of these things are true of course, but sometimes I have to remember to tell him the other stuff too. You see I have been feeling a little off tonight because of a girly thing. I have crampies to the max to point where if I didn't have what I have I would say it's the flu. Yay! GO ME! (ugh) Hebrew Friend has been so nice and not complaining about how much I've been complaining. He's also offered to get me stuff to make me feel better and he's been all happy and funny, which is nice because it makes me laugh and I forget about how crappy I feel. Love you Yonni Bananas, you're definitely my favorite friend this week.

UPDATE: So I was going write this last night, but then I fell asleep so I'm doing it now. Last night after work I took the world's greatest and longest bath and watched Weeds. Bad idea Yonni! No way! Excellent idea! Afterwards I just went to bed and watched more Weeds and tried to fall asleep and was very close when Marg texted  me with one of her late night needs for ciggs and so I got out of bed and embarked on an impromptu lesbian date night. We've been doing these since freshman year and they always start out normal, have some sort of animal involvement, a wawa run, ciggs in the park, and then back to sleep. Sometimes we even have our act together and get fancy and make dinner plans and maybe see a movie. Last night I just climbed into her car around 1am after I had a little wine and we went to Wawa. We ended up going to two Wawas which was okay because I eventually go what I wanted and Marg got her ciggs. After Wawa was a trip through the park to smoke. Usually I'm like a chimney, but after one I was done. I think all the anti-smoking talk My Hebrew Friend and I have been slinging around at each other has finally started to get to me. Anyways it led the to the park. With us it always leads to the park or in this case The Bala Golf Course. That's where we met the cat. Marg has a problem with stray animals and the need to rescue them. One time we found dogs running around the commercial complex by the hotel and she had to park and chase the dogs over a hill while I watched from the car. Last there was also a raccoon. I tried to explain the dexterity and rabies aspects of raccoons but that didn't stop her from slowing down and rolling down her window to coax the animal out form under a bush. Eventually I got back to my comfy bed, about 3am, I didn't even bother taking off the billion layers of comfy clothes I had on to fight the cold. Put on an episode of Weeds (yes I realize I have a problem) and went to sleep.