Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I prove my point.


Oh holy sweet bananas I can't get to sleep! And I've tried everything I can think of. I even texted My Hebrew Friend to see if he could come up with anything and he definitely tried his best. His suggestions were all over the place ranging from reading, writing, tea and sex. I don't own any boring books. Everything I read I like and would have just stayed up to finish the book no matter how late it got, defeating the purpose of trying to go to sleep. Tea, I tried. It sort of work, but the sleepies sort of fizzled out and I'm back to being wide awake. Sex. Well sex is out of the question. Whenever I have sex I am always left wide awake and I want to punch my partner in the face five minutes after we are done because he is sound asleep and I am nowhere near it. The only time I ever got a guy to go as long as I wanted was when we were both completely stoned and I nagged him into almost sobriety. I've been living like a repressed nun lately and I'm ready to burst but I told Yonni I would let him know when I wanted to have sex with him and I haven't yet. Yonni this isn't me saying I want to have sex yet, I'll let you know when. So that leaves me with writing, which is what I am doing now. It's not really working, but since My Hebrew Friend needs to be alseep right now even if he isn't, so I can't leave call him. I think I'm just anxious about the snow that we're supposed to get. I don't have any homework due for my class tomorrow and I don't have to go into Borders or other work so I really don't have anything to worry about. Wednesday I think I'm going to beg My Hebrew Friend to come watch The Princess Bride with me. I may even bribe him with butter pecan ice cream since he doesn't like chocolate. Who doesn't like chocolate ice cream? Gosh! And who only watched The Princess Bride only once? Double gosh!!

Have fun storming the castle!