Saturday, October 15, 2011

Just because I slept with you doesn't mean I'll ski with you.

So true with so many things. 

I'm in Vermont for fall break so you know that only means one thing: broing out with my dad. And of course sushi and mai tais at the Matterhorn where I got the lovely shirt above the last time I was there. It was an atypical day for me, waking up after 9:00am, going to lunch with my mom and some friends and then taking a long nap before heading out around 7:00pm with Lance. It'd been months since I could really sleep in and I only got up then because he was catering and I wanted to eat some of the scraps for breakfast. I'm not used to having so much food in one place, last night I was hunting around for a snack and got so overwhelmed by the choices that I just went for Saltines and grape jelly while I caught up on episodes of Always Sunny and The League. 

The last child that lived here moved out two years ago.

The Matterhorn was crowded, a good sign and the last of the leaf peepers bring income into town. It's a cool little bar at the foot of The Mountain with a sushi bar along the river and an enclosed smoking deck where the ski patrol forces newbies to do shots of Jager until they drop while everyone sings the cheer that's supposed to accompany the drinking. Tonight we sat at a quiet table on the sushi side and I watched the tail end of the Auburn game. I had two Jesse mai tais, two rolls of sushi and beer battered scallops. The mai tais were successful in dulling the senses and we spent a majority of the night in a half stupor once we got home. Someone messed up on a pizza order and I got to take it home for breakfast tomorrow. Sometimes it pays to be a Purnell and other times a Molino. This was one of those times, thank you free pizza. On our way out I was pleasantly pleased to see that the yellow lab and horse were still hanging outside the bar. The dog was very sweet and had a crowd of it's own and the horse was extremely gentle although not impressed with getting it's picture taken by so many people. The owner of course was inside looking like a total douche with his ten gallon hat and spurs. You're in Vermont asshole not Texas and leaving your animals out in the cold while you drink beer does not make you cool. 

A horsie!

Being in Vermont could not have come a better time. It's almost 11pm and I'm in bed watch Ugly Americans and writing this post, something I haven't done on a Saturday night ages. Usually I would be working and then heading out to the bar to spend a percentage of my nightly earnings on beer and blue collar fun. As much as I enjoy doing those things it's nice to get out of the city and away from school and all of the other crap I have going on in my life. Sometimes it just gets a little overwhelming not knowing what it going on that I need to just take a step back and head up into the woods. So that's where I am now: in the woods. I have to write a paper and get my backgrounds blog updated, but I also need to sleep in, eat ridiculous amounts of sugary cereal, go hiking, canoeing, and eat chili tomorrow afternoon. This weekend couldn't have come at a better time.