Monday, March 21, 2011

Case of the Mondays? Not me.

Father Feeny always asks us if we have the Mondays when he sees us all lined up outisde of Journalism and not looking super excited to be there. Father Feeny is the type of teacher who is always excited to talk about English and his classes and he always wants to know if we're having a good time. Of course when our teacher is fifteen minutes late to class you tend to not get super excited about having to stand in the hallway. Today was not a Case of the Mondays kind of day. It was raining which put a mild damper because I was so comfortable in bed. I looked like a giant star all limbs in all directions under my comforters and through the open window I could hear the rain pelting the side of the building. It was really relaxing and I had to push myself to get out of bed and to the car where I discovered that I had left a window open and the front door unlocked. Miraculously nothing was stolen or wet. You know that's it's going to be a good day when the stupid things you do end up being perfectly fine.

I got to school early so I could work on my sound/slide project. I took a chance in the Maguire parking lot and low and behold it was nearly empty. At 9am people usually have to fight for a spot. With the weather I guess not too many people wanted to go to class. Weather like this also keep security from checking for parking permits and so I end up without getting ticketed. Last night I got an email saying Creative Writing was going to be cancelled. I was a little disappointed because it's one of my more likeable classes, but I used the time to hang out with Eanan in the Perch. I haven't seen him or Devin or Andi lately because I've been busy and don't have a lot of time on the weekends to do anything during the day. We only have a little more than a month of school left in the semester so I'll be able to hang out with Andi then. Miss that girl.

I have my job orientation later this evening. Nervous/excited like I said before to see how it goes. It will be fine of course M said he might be in for dinner and I always find it weird to see for employers at new jobs. It always like, "Hey this is what I left you for!" Not really a big deal if I do. Allyson stopped by work last night and we talked for a while and we definitely agreed that M is totally skeezy sometimes and could stand to lose the shorts. It's not even warm outside. I should make plans to do something with her and Niambi sometime too.

I'm hoping orientation doesn't last more than an hour or two and then I can have my Monday nights free. I used to work Monday nights last semester and even though I haven't had to these past few months I still feel like there is something I should be doing. I'll figure it out, maybe I can get my Mom to buy me a class card for hot yoga. I need something to stretch me out and tone me up. Has anyone done hot yoga and really liked it?

Oh yes I forgot. I've started tracking my weight as a daily affirmation to loose it and to see where my base is and how far I need to go. Does anyone else have any little daily tricks to keep them motivated? I read that it takes about 28 days to build a good habit. I need something to puch me the first 28 days. Also has anyone triend the Be-hot supplements for women athletes from GNC and what do you think?

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