Monday, January 10, 2011

Oh Mondays!

Once again it's almost 7 pm and I  am falling asleep. I've just eaten a balanced dinner and had a glass of wine and now I'm sitting on the couch writing to stay awake. If any of my mother's friends could see me they would say that I am turning into her. My mother would say I haven't eaten a proper meal, my father would tell me that sleep is good, but I think it's really the three glasses of Crane Lake merlot that I've indulged in. Red wine does that to me; I can be going strong on Tanqueray for hours, but get a glass of red in me and I'm down for the count. While some would say that my lushiness is the result of some dangerous genes floating around inside of me, I prefer to think that it is just the 21 year-old in me bursting to get out. Now if I'm still going this strong in five or six years then we can chat.

Tonight I cooked all things Mediterranean making a lemon and garlic vinaigrette salad and a frutti di mare pasta dish. I was partially inspired by my  Hebrew Friend's latest post about eating in and the fact that if I don't start eating my Dad has threatened to come down and stay with me for a while. Apparently the fifteen pounds of Taco Bell that I've gained this semester from stress eating doesn't qualify as food for he and my mother.  My sister's freshman fifteen weight gain on the other hand is not a problem for them. But anyways, to get them off my back I have been cooking anything and everything and then letting my dad know. It's kind of hard in my teeny tiny kitchen, I need more counter space and bigger sink, but I make it work. My parents kitchen is fantastic, whenever I visit I usually bake a few things because of their superior ovens and kitchen appliances. If definitely sometimes pays to have a parent of cooks professionally. The only time it really doesn't is when he's too tired to cook and you end up growing up living off of spaghetti or grilled cheese and tomato soup. My mother was no help on the cooking front. Being a "career lady" she does not fair to well with the domestic arts. Only recently has she been able to build up her cooking repertoire to a tomato based southwestern soup, apple sauce, and carrot and flaxseed muffins. The muffins are particularly popular with her nordic and hiking friends. For Christmas she received a slow cooker recipe book which in turn led to an actual slow cooker so now she safely experiment with food without overcooking it too badly or burning the house down. Go Mom!

Tomorrow I am getting my hair cut for the first time in a year by my uncle over at Seasonal Designs in Plymouth Meeting. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm thinking about bangs but I'm not sure what style. It's between A.J. Cook bangs or Camilla Belle fringe. Oh the decisions!

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