Saturday, January 8, 2011

Back to Borders.

I can't sleep so I'll write.

After three weeks in Vermont, I have finally returned to Philadelphia and back to Borders. Yay! (You'd get it if you worked there). Upon my return I saw that a few people had been removed from the board and you know what that means, a little sad but that's the way life is: get a job, get more money, leave Borders. Anyways since my schedule is always a little different each week, reasons unknown, I ended up getting to work extra early and had the chance to read a book I had started before I left for break. I love the book in the YA section, they are an easy break from actual work which makes them easy to find your place after three weeks. It was also the first Friday in a long time that I got to work with E. Usually she has dance, but not this week! I'm not really sure why I had to come in other than to help train a new employee since I have rearranged my work schedule and have different hours and days than before. I have almost a week off until I have to go in next. The sad part about tonight was that it was my first shift without A. A accepted a nice job far away and is no longer working at Borders. Easily the best person ever, E and I are a little sad, a lot. For the most part work was uneventful until my ride home when I heard a disturbing promotion on the radio.

On my ride home I was listening to one of the local radio stations and they are doing a promotion to give away a free breast augmentation to some "lucky" woman. I'm completely appalled that people are okay with this. The slogan was about looking your best to feel your best. I think it is terrible that we as a society have convinced women that they need to go under the knife to make any sort of positive transformation in the lives. Be happy with who you are and find people who appreciate you for who are and surround yourself wit them. Women need to realize that there are other safer and natural ways to change themselves if they really feel they have to. Cosmetic surgery is not going to change how you feel on the inside, it's only going to alter how you look on the outside and sometimes those alternations do not go as people hoped they would. If you really want to look your best, start by exercising. Exercising and eating healthy will not only help transform your body, but it will also release endorphins that will get you thinking more positively about yourself, something surgery can't.

This year exercising and eating healthy are on my list of resolutions because I don't want to someday have to go under the knife to bypass. I suggest that everyone try to make one extra healthy modification to their lifestyles to boost their health and self-esteem.

The stupid radio promotion still has me mad :(

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