Friday, December 30, 2011

Explain angsty to me.

I had to buy a new toothbrush today. Not the most exciting part of my day, but when you accidentally drop one out of your mouth and into the toilet it's time to get a new one. This isn't first time something like this has happened to me either; a month or so ago I knocked my contact container into the flushing toilet by accident. There's something about my bathroom that I tend to knock everything off of the counter top if I move to fast and it all falls into the toilet. Anyways the point of this rambling and slightly disgusting story is that when I went to buy a toothbrush I found out that one of my best friends had gone to Maryland and never mentioned it to me. Like seriously, who goes on a trip without telling anyone?

While out running errands I ventured into Barnes and Noble's. I find something appealing and relaxing about walking through the aisles of books and finding something new to read. I particularly like to crack open a new book and smell the page. It's weird, I realize, but the scent of new ink waiting to be read is pleasing and Romantic. It's possibly the only time I will let myself be compared to young Werther and his obsession with art and learning. I really wanted to buy several books, but with rent coming up and several bills looming over my head I have to put the titles on the back burner for a time when I have more money. I spent awhile glossing over Annie Dillard's An American Childhood, which I have put on my list to read after I get through the new Jeffrey Eugenides book I got for Christmas.

I need more beer. I've run out and the beer has been fueling this post and until I get some more I'm going to have to end it here. More on the trip to Vermont and why I should become an auto mechanic in the upcoming days.

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