Monday, October 10, 2011

You smell funny, you smell like conniving.

I've been bad. I haven't written in ages and when I have they haven't been very intelligent or enlightening (though that last one was pretty good, I need to listen to more music). It's been hard to want to write when I've been so busy and tired from everything else that I have going on. I've been doing a lot of required reading and writing and it's taken all of the fun out of doing what I do on here. I had forgotten that I actually like writing until the other day when we had a visitor in my nonfiction class. Jennifer Cognard-Black came to speak with us on writing and she actually led our class in writing exercises. We spent a great deal of time working with imagery and how to use imagery in our writing, something I sometimes struggle with. Later in the evening I attended a reading of her short story, Burn. It was an excellent piece about a fictionalized story in Edith Wharton's life and I commend her use of "douche" in front of the department chair. Apparently the reading was quite the turn of the century little piece of hotness for one the women sitting in the front row because she seemed very flustered and turned on by what she was hearing. More than once I saw her fanning herself and making "that face." Despite the hotness, the piece was beautifully written with flowing imagery and bountiful analogies. That was another thing I need to work on in my writing, analogies. Unfortunately the only ones I'm good at are inappropriate for even this blog. Professor Cognard-Black's visit has renewed an interest in writing for me, at least on here.

In other news The League is back! I know you'd think I'd have more exciting news than an FX show, but I really like, even more than Always Sunny. This is what happens when you spend free period in the lab with a bunch of boys. Seriously though, I live for Nick Kroll. Yes he rocks facial hair and glasses, but there's more to him that makes even better than Taco. Kroll's charcater Ruxin is a sarcastic and snarky person who always tries manipulate situatuions to his advantage in his fantasy football league. He's kind of like the male version of the me that I wish I could some days be. I alway wish that I was as cool as Jenny, Kevin's football loving wife who also happens to be a Shiva Bowl winner. The next time you're flipping through your television provider's channel list on a Thursday night make sure to land on FX and watch The League. You won't be disappointed and hopefully not too offended.

The one with the glasses is Kroll. He's cool. 

I also recently discovered that my sister finally understands me (and by recently I mean a few hours ago). It's only taken her nineteen years to figure out what a dorky nerd I can be and that my glasses really do fit my face. I haven't seen Samantha since August (I think) and I haven't spoken to since maybe before that (something that demonstrates the current nature of our relationship, but somehow she must have known that I had a "lame" weekend and for the first time ever posted something other than the obligatory "Happy Birthday" on my facebook wall. Below is a collection of nerdy pick up lines that I am sure have been used by more than just the author. The pictures are also pretty cute too.

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