Sunday, September 11, 2011

Be proactive, not reactive.

"Isn't that a yogurt?"
"No stupid, it's what you put on your face."

My family is full of Purnellisms, things we say on a regular basis and most of them happen to come from my dad. One of his more favorites is "be proactive, not reactive." He usually likes to say this to me when I'm procrastinating on a project or when he would drop me off at jazz band and make me find a way into the locked school instead of waiting around for the teacher to arrive and open the doors. When I had to teach a religious class at camp I told the campers this phrase and was met with mixed results including yogurt and face wash. A friend of mine really likes to be proactive too and gets really into people and things that are more reactive. I think that it bothers him that we live in such a lackadaisical society. Right now I want to be proactive about getting my work done, but after working all weekend I could use a nap.

It's been an interesting weekend to say the least. It started with the CO2 tank being stolen from the restaurant. Apparently there's a place on the Black Market for carbonation. It was also the day that I was training to be a bartender and until we figured out what was wrong, every beer that I poured came out horrible and it really got me down. Of course it wasn't until I was out on the floor that we discovered the missing tank. It was terrible, the police came and poor Take Out Boy had to walk down to the grocery store and buy forty bottles of soda. He could barely push the cart back up the slope to the restaurant and into the kitchen. Yesterday I had a profitable day for only having to work during the morning and afternoon and I thought that things were going smoothly until the first dinner rush when one of our cooks said "fuck it," and walked off of the line. Goodbye wildberry Skittles. Today was better. I had my first shift behind the bar and we've started the football pool. It's a $5 buy in that will probably get pushed to $10 once people get involved and we get more organized. I maybe picked two winning teams today. I had the Eagles and the Pittsburgh games on while I was behind the bar and the scores kept flashing at the bottom of the screen and all of my choices were losing. I need to get up on football and start keeping track of teams and stats so that I stop losing more money at work than I make.

I actually like football considering that I barely understand some of the rules. We used to play in gym class and even though I'm terrible at the throwing the ball, I do like to pass it with people every now and then. I used to date a football player in high school and one of my favorite shows is The League, though that really doesn't have much to do with actual football. Either way I have decided to dedicate this season to learning the game and maybe winning some money while I'm at in.

And to finish this...a new Narration by Randall 

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