Friday, July 22, 2011

Kristen is always busting balls, has she ever tried licking them?

I'm back in the saddle city again.

I got home in six and a half hours last night and I was all set to go out and meet a friend, but then I slowly became more and more tired and when it got to late for me to even want to go out I went to the store and bought berries and ate them while watching SVU and then fell fast asleep. It was a deep sleep, but because I've got my period and my hormones are all up and down and its hot everywhere my dreams have been crazy. I had two really bad ones. The first one was about a friend who I've been fighting with. In the dream we had a terrible fight about something that I have no business fighting about with them and I ended up smashing a bunch of glass and running down a street. I was so distressed by what happened that I woke up at 3am in a cold sweat and had to think about ponies and sunshine to fall back to sleep. For some reason I also checked my phone and found that I had missed a text from the person who was in my dream. The second dream involved a different person telling me a secret, a really bad secret and then there was an alligator that was lounging on someone's porch railing that scared me so bad that I woke up. I had really good sleep up in Vermont and I was hoping that that trend would continue and that last night was just a fluke. We shall see tonight.

I'm kind of in denial about having to go to work today and tonight. I have a bunch of stuff I have to catch up on with my office job and my classes that I don't really want to deal with. I have an awesome story/video that I found out about at the bar when I was home this week. I'm going to write about it later, but I will share now that it involves frisbee, small dogs, and Dodger Stadium. 

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