Friday, May 6, 2011

Fuck with the cheese, fuck with the cheese.

I'm about two hours towards heading into my final exam. It's not a super important final, only worth a small percentage of the final grade, but it's in a class taught by my advisor so I can't blow it off. I spent six hours knocking out a paper for the portfolio that's due at the start of the final and my finger are exhausted from typing 20+ pages. I celebrated last night with a couple of friends. I didn't really want to go out because I had come home from studying and curled up in bed for a couple hours which made me sleepy and comfy, but my friend who was hosting us was really excited to do something to celebrate the end of his classes and since I like my friend I wanted support him and celebrate his excitement. I'm actually really glad that I went out because I got to meet someone new and get to know him and I got to see Cynthia! Cynthia! is my tiny awesome friend who has similar taste in music as me.

My Dad's visiting today and tomorrow. He brought me the Wii and the rest of my bed, which I'm particularly jazzed about because now I won't keep banging my shin on the piece that sticks out. It also means that I'm going to have to get around to rearranging my room so that I'm using all of the space that I can get out of it. Right now I have a lot of useless space in my room. I also have to rearrange my living room/kitchen areas because I'm getting some new furniture and everything feels really cramped around the edges.

The weather lately has been bumming me out. It was so nice and lovely the first few days at the beginning of the week, but lately its just been really cold and uncomfortable. I just want to be able to go outside with less clothes on. I'm going to go shopping either this Wednesday or next Wednesday (probably next Wednesday) and I don't want to have to keep buying warm clothing. I have to remember to buy some work clothes and some new shoes. Right now I'm in desperate need to get new summer shoes. I may make a separate trip out just to do shoes in a couple of weeks. I love shoe shopping. I got really into it in high school and then I dated a guy that bought me shoes and then after we stopped being together I just sort lost the excitement for shoes.

I'm thinking about going out tonight. I want to go dancing and I think I can manage to get Anna to come out with me. I also want to get slightly obliterated, but my Dad is visiting and I have to work tonight so it's going to a late decision about whether or not I actually go or if I save it for next weekend when everyone comes back for graduation and summer stuff.


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